Hovering on the "*" in "Substrate" column will display the text if there is a note by the annotator for the given site.
The column having "Sequence" motif represents phosphosite and its neighbouring 7 residues (upstream and downstream).
The score in "Conservation" column varies from 0 to 1; Higher the score more conserved is the site.
The score in "Disorder" column varies from 0 to 1; Score higher than 0.4 suggests disorder.
In the "Curator Assessment" column, TP refers to True Positive; FP refers to False Positive; and U refers to unknown if the annoatator cannot decide the status based on available information.
Hovering on the number in the "Evidence Logic" column will show the name of method used to characterize/infer the phosphosite (for more details plase follow the link)