Gja1 | Gap junction alpha-1 protein

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  • Double clicking on the substrate will redirect to the uniprot entry.
  • Clicking in the block having the substrate will zoom into its phophosites
  • Clicking the center of the circle will lead to zooming out.
  • Clicking on the phosphosite will render the phosphosite in its 3D structure (if structure information/mapping is available).
  • The color of every substrate has ben kept different in the Sunburst diagram for visual clarity.
  • Clicking in the top right corner on the camara icon will download the image.

Graphics credits: Skylign

Gene Name Organism P-Site Sequence(+/-7) Conservation Disorder Curator Assessment Reliability Evidence Class Evidence Logic PubMed Phospho-ELM PhosphoSite-Plus
CAMK2A* (P08050) Homo sapiens S244 KDRVKGRSDPYHATT - 0.4652 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S330 AGSTISNSHAQPFDF - 0.7163 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S364 AIVDQRPSSRASSRA - 0.7982 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S365 IVDQRPSSRASSRAS - 0.8125 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S369 RPSSRASSRASSRPR - 0.9362 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S372 SRASSRASSRPRPDD - 0.8765 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S373 RASSRASSRPRPDDL - 0.8713 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S255 HATTGPLSPSKDCGS - 0.4292 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S257 TTGPLSPSKDCGSPK - 0.2817 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S296 VTGDRNNSSCRNYNK - 0.4507 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S297 TGDRNNSSCRNYNKQ - 0.5577 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S306 RNYNKQASEQNWANY - 0.4441 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S314 EQNWANYSAEQNRMG - 0.6482 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S325 NRMGQAGSTISNSHA - 0.7459 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro
CAMK2A (P08050) Homo sapiens S328 GQAGSTISNSHAQPF - 0.6991 TP certain experimental 73 | 214 | 21158428 - In vitro

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