CDC25A | M-phase inducer phosphatase 1
Pathway ID Pathway Name (clicking on the name will redirect to Reactome)
R-HSA-1362277 Transcription of E2F targets under negative control by DREAM complex
R-HSA-1538133 G0 and Early G1
R-HSA-156711 Polo-like kinase mediated events
R-HSA-1640170 Cell Cycle
R-HSA-1643685 Disease
R-HSA-176187 Activation of ATR in response to replication stress
R-HSA-392499 Metabolism of proteins
R-HSA-453274 Mitotic G2-G2/M phases
R-HSA-453279 Mitotic G1-G1/S phases
R-HSA-5688426 Deubiquitination
R-HSA-5689880 Ub-specific processing proteases
R-HSA-597592 Post-translational protein modification
R-HSA-69202 Cyclin E associated events during G1/S transition
R-HSA-69206 G1/S Transition
R-HSA-69242 S Phase
R-HSA-69273 Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition
R-HSA-69275 G2/M Transition
R-HSA-69278 Cell Cycle, Mitotic
R-HSA-69481 G2/M Checkpoints
R-HSA-69601 Ubiquitin Mediated Degradation of Phosphorylated Cdc25A
R-HSA-69610 p53-Independent DNA Damage Response
R-HSA-69613 p53-Independent G1/S DNA damage checkpoint
R-HSA-69615 G1/S DNA Damage Checkpoints
R-HSA-69620 Cell Cycle Checkpoints
R-HSA-69656 Cyclin A:Cdk2-associated events at S phase entry
R-HSA-8862803 Deregulated CDK5 triggers multiple neurodegenerative pathways in Alzheimer's disease models
R-HSA-8863678 Neurodegenerative Diseases
Pathway ID (clicking on the ID will display all the CaMKs and their Substrates) Pathway Name (clicking on the name will redirect to KEGG and will highlight all the CaMKs and Substrates in the pathway)
hsa04110 Cell cycle
hsa04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation